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Sweet communication

Please, read also article by „The Baltic Times“ (2007-04-05) about

New Perspective on Corporate Gifts as a new idea of communication with customers.

(Adobe Acrobat PDF, 60 KB)

"Sweet Advertising"
means gifts, which find their way to and influence the receiver in an unusual and effective way.

"Sweet Communication"
means direct and indirect communication with a partner or a client based on positive emotion with the aid of promotional sweets.

Why sweets?

A lot of people cannot imagine their lives without sweeties. There are several theories giving an insight into why sweets are so tempting. One of them claims that sweets are usually associated with carefree childhood, when sweets were a kind of a reward for good behaviour. Another theory asserts that we have inherited the taste of sweetness from our forefathers, to whom the sweet taste of unknown fruits meant that they were eatable.

Some way or another, everybody likes sweets, and sweets boost spirits. You want your clients to feel safe, eminent and satisfied, don't you?

How is it possible to communicate with the aid of sweets?

Promotional sweets may serve as:

  • a pleasing business gift at the time of fairs, presentations, conferences and during day-to-day communication with clients;
  • a souvenir to the company's partner as well as to the company's employee;
  • a prize at an advertising action;
  • a lottery ticket;
  • a part of an image advertising campaign;
  • an added value of goods (as a promotional or an occasional supplement).

And many other open opportunities, which we would like to invent in cooperation with you.

Sweet Communication Projects

„Sweet Communication“ may become an indispensable and a long-term part of an internal and external communication.

For the purpose we select sweet gifts from the range available or create new customized shapes, apply packaging decoration technologies, formulation of sweets, delivery schedule and take into consideration a lot of other particulars.

If you have fresh ideas how to make use of sweets in advertising, we will gladly produce custom-designed products meeting your demands.

Every „Sweet Advertising“ product is unique and peculiar — it is personalized for you and with an allowance for your demands and requirements.

And the main point ?

We like what we do, we like those small sweet gifts, which create a wormer and more comfortable communication.

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Tel. +370 5 2497779,